Audience Reflection

  • #5 Kevin Super size me –

Super Size me, is a documentary on how unhealthy the McDonald’s meals are when supersize, the man within the documentary goes on everyday just eating supersized meals from McDonald’s, due to such a decision, he has become obese and incredibly unhealthy. This is somewhat important to teens today to demonstrate what happens when you live off of certain fast food places foods, and how you should point out whats really unhealthy for others.

  • #4 Morgan Griffin Bowling for Columbine –

Within this documentary, people protest to keep their guns and whatnot, meanwhile others wish to take away, this is relevant to today because people wish to take away guns and others want to keep their guns, the reason why this is important for teens to know is because we have faced these issues before and such, and we could learn, so that’s why.

  • #3Lesley Castillo Chasing Ice –

In this documentary, the person investigates icebergs and shows how after many years, they’re melting due to global warming and how it is affecting a lot of other things, this is important to teens because they can learn from this and see how this is an issue and could probably do something as well.

  • #2 David Arriaga The hunting ground –

In this documentary it explains how female students within a certain college have been raped, explaining as well that those who do rape never get arrested or pay for what they’ve done, this is important for teens now, mainly for females, but they can see how colleges may sometimes not protect those who experience this and whatnot.

  • #1 Daniel Nag 2014 Vaccines-calling the shots –

In this documentary, it goes into detail on how vaccines can be both good and bad and going into the myth that vaccine shots are linked to autism, the reason why teens today should watch this, is because they can learn something new and important and understand something new as well as learning that autism is not linked to vaccines shots.